The program commenced with a warm welcome and an overview of the event by Dr. S.V. Bangale, NSS Program Officer, who effectively anchored the proceedings. Dr. Bangale emphasized the significance of Constitution Day and its importance in inculcating constitutional values among the students.
Following this, Dr. Mrs. N. M. Shaikh, NSS Program Officer, addressed the gathering and provided a concise and insightful briefing on the historical and legal significance of Constitution Day. She highlighted the contributions of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the principal architect of the Indian Constitution. A special reading of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution was conducted to reinforce its core values. Miss Kshitija Karan, NSS Student Representative, read the Preamble in Hindi, while Mr. Aloksingh Bhaskar presented it in English.
The program concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Mr. K.D. Gawade, In-Charge of DLLE. He expressed gratitude to the organizers, participants, and attendees for their active involvement in making the event a success.