NEP-2020 Orientation Program for students

The primary objective of the NEP-2020 Orientation Program was to familiarize the first-year students of B.Sc., B.Sc. IT, and B.Sc. Computer Science with the key aspects of the National Education Policy 2020. The program aimed to provide an overview of the new educational framework, its implications for their academic journey, and the new subject combinations offered under NEP.

The orientation program commenced at 10:30 AM with an opening address by the IQAC Coordinator, Dr. S. V. Jamdar. He welcomed the students and emphasized the importance of understanding NEP-2020 and its impact on higher education.

Following the welcome address, Dr. Mrs. N. M. Shaikh, the Coordinator of the NEP Implementation Cell, provided a detailed presentation on NEP-2020. The presentation covered the following key points:

  • Overview of NEP-2020 and its objectives
  • Structural changes in the education system
  • Introduction of multidisciplinary and holistic education
  • Flexibility in course selection and subject combinations
  • Emphasis on skill development and critical thinking
  • Credit structure of Scheme-I for F.Y.B.Sc. IT and F.Y.B.Sc. Comp. Sci. and Scheme-III for F.Y.B.Sc.

Mr. J. V. Deore, the I/C Principal, then guided the students through the college website, detailing the various departments and committees of the college. Following this, all committee members provided guidance to the students regarding their subject selection.

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